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Design and Architecture Norway


Reclaim Women’s Space – a garden at Hurumzi Square


Eva Storrusten


Master i arkitektur (AHO)


Arkitektur og byrom

In Zanzibar, only 16 percent of women have their own bank account, and 22 percent get married before they are 18. In other words, from our Nordic cultural understanding, women do not have a strong position in society.

The public space in Old Stone Town has traditionally been clearly separated between spaces for women and men. But due to increased tourism and commercialization of the urban space, the places previously reserved for women have gradually disappeared.

Reclaim Women’s Space. Vinner av DOGA-merket 2019.
With Reclaim Women's Space - a garden at Hurumzi Square, Storrusten wants to give the local women in Zanzibar a place to gather.
Photo: Eva Storrusten

A garden of one's own

Reclaim Women's Space – a garden at Hurumzi Square is a research project where the architect explores the potential of a fill-in plot, and poses the question: how can architecture help empower local women. Through the project, the architect has collaborated with local residents, planning and conservation authorities and the organisation Reclaim Women's Space.

The result is an urban garden with an associated building that can accommodate many different activities. The ground floor is open to the public and with cultural activities, while the three upper floors provide more private space for courses and social activities aimed at, and hosted by, local women.

By drawing inspiration and using elements from local culture and tradition – such as a traditional bench called "baraza" – the project combines Nordic design with local building practices, and manages to create a distinct yet inclusive expression.

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